Pages      User Agent----------------  ----------------------

2505      46,32%  Browser: Safari (OSX)
1669      30,86%  Browser: Netscape 4.8
531        9,82%  Browser: Firefox
65         1,20%  Spider: Googlebot

242        4,47%  serpstatbot/2.1 (advanced backlink tracking bot;;
107        1,98%  CCBot/2.0 (
60         1,11%  IonCrawl (
54         1,00%  SenutoBot/1.0 (compatible; SenutoBot/1.0; +
37         0,68%  PhxBot/0.1 (
15         0,28%  python-requests/2.31.0
8          0,15%  Go-http-client/1.1
5          0,09%  Chrome Privacy Preserving Prefetch Proxy
5          0,09%  Expanse, a Palo Alto Networks company, searches across the global IPv4 space multiple times per day to identify customers' presences on the Internet. If you would like to be excluded from our scans, please send IP addresses/domains to:
2          0,04%  Go-http-client/2.0
2          0,04%  webprosbot/2.0 (
1          0,02%  curl/7.64.0
1          0,02%  curl/7.74.0
1          0,02%  facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
1          0,02%  python-requests/2.25.1