Lista 15 z 370 wszystkich przeglądarek
# Strony Przeglądarka
1 7442 46,14% Browser: Netscape 4.8
2 4360 27,03% Browser: Safari (OSX)
3 2454 15,21% Browser: Firefox
4 264 1,64% Spider: Googlebot
5 128 0,79% Linguee Bot (;
6 56 0,35% Browser: Opera
7 56 0,35% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
8 52 0,32% DomainStatsBot/1.0 (
9 49 0,30% CCBot/2.0 (
10 25 0,16% Mozilla/6.0 (compatible)
11 20 0,12% curl/7.61.1
12 15 0,09% Aranea Web-Crawled Corpora Project (2021 Polish Crawl) (+
13 15 0,09% ltx71 - (
14 11 0,07% Expanse indexes the network perimeters of our customers. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to:
15 4 0,02% Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 7.0; ZTE BA520 Build/MRA58K)
Podgląd wszystkich przeglądarek